The ways you said, ‘I love you.’

I think of the ways you said, ‘I love you.’ As a whisper over a cup of tea. Or when I was crying And you held me gently. Was there any thing I missed ? I just knew a boy, I didn’t know his tricks. In August rain, drenched to the bone Or in a…


In July I wrote you letters Like lovers of olden days Love, in ink, bleeding on pages That I never sent. The words spoke of how I remembered the long, hazy afternoons And the smell of your sweet perfume That lingered in our room Soaked in sweat Of summer heat. The clear blue skies and…

In March

The year after you left I prepared a banquet in your memory At our old house, of my childhood days Where we lived and where you died. But the feast turned cold The white grains of rice, the yellow dal And the aroma of curry leaves lingered faintly in air The fish you loved lay…

On Sundays

On quiet Sunday afternoons sitting by myself, cold tea at hand, A thousand brooding thoughts Rekindling old embers Of love long forgotten, lost in the blurry haze of time My old heart sails the shore at the edge of memory. What will those words sound like if I speak them now, I wonder Will my…


Lover, Daisies in my hair, a yellow dress Bare feet and red lips You were there Hands pressed Against my fingertips. In Spring we loved We loved like how lovers did. Lover, A blue umbrella, Crystal clear skies Popsicle sticks and ice We stood in sun Warm haze and white lies Walking in our rose…

Metamorphosis – Seasons Part I

Winter Winter knocked at our door, You asked me to set the hearth aflame To bring out the old, woollen sweaters That I had knitted, years before; With care, three balls of red yarn, A fluttering heart and perhaps With a little more love than now. As you spoke, white vapours Escaped your thin, frail…

Quiet Afternoons with Timothée Haze [I] 

The First Chapter – On Longing Dated – 29th December. A Wednesday.  I will make a home in the wind.  But only if it takes me back to you.     “J’espère te revoir.” (French : I will see you again.) ​’ Timothée,  you  remember people when you  forget them. But sometimes, a person lingers…

Songs of the Sea- I

​ The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Katsushika Hokusai Ferry me across the river of your love, On an old boat of hopes and dreams; I have my heart for a penny, A smile for silver sterling; I carry not the treasures of Arabia But my love is all I bring. So take me to the shores…